Sandy and Coleman were so much fun to shoot with! We scheduled this back in early February, and we were so pleased when the spring weather cooperated to give us an amazing day to shoot!
We spent some time getting comfortable in front of the camera over at a park, then headed downtown for some modern shots! The parking scenario was hilarious that day. Of course I forgot my change for the meter, and Sandy was in the same boat. No big surprise that we see a meter man heading our way 10 minutes later.... So there we are hustling to get back to the cars and dig out some change and avoid a ticket, and I literally have no change with me. Columbia is hardcore with these parking tickets, so I'm like, "Ok, this is happening. Just accept it. Embrace your parking punishment Kacey." Sandy was so sweet to give me a few coins for my meter, and we both avoided tickets! Woohoo!
It was so awesome to have a senior guy show up with all these classic looks! Coleman's relaxed attitude combined with these refined looks to create some images that are amazing! You know I had to convince Sandy to hop in for one. It's such an important time for both the parents and the senior that I think you have to capture it!