Can I get a drum roll please.....
If you know Jackson, you already know how awesome he is. He's one of those guys that you can joke with, but who is also crazy talented. I was lucky to get to hear him play during his session, and all I can say is WOW. He is passionate about music, and will be continuing his musical career in college so we had to capture all the hard work he has put in during his college career. We did some on stage shots complete with fog, then headed downtown for some dapper shots of him in his suit! I know, I know... I say it all the time. But honestly, show me one guy who doesn't look awesome in a suit. Go on, I'll wait... :)
Jackson has a totally unique style and seeing all of the outfits and locations come together perfectly was so much fun! He knew exactly what paired together, and even threw in some fun socks. Can you see them?? They're CORGIS!!! He has a love for the dogs and their family later adopted one. I haven't had a chance to meet her yet, but I know they are all loving her to pieces!
We wrapped up the session with the full marching band uniform here in the studio. It was a hot summer day, and even though Jackson was used to wearing the uniform in every kind of weather, I couldn't possibly make him do so when we could use the nice and cool studio! We wrapped up the session with lots of laughs, technical terms (I learned a ton about marching, the lingo, etc.!) and ended up creating one mind blowing Montage!