#swimteamsaturday, anyone? Fall is in full swing for me, and that means that I'm a bit behind on the blog, but I'm going to try to get caught up ASAP! So, today we are going to take a look at Connor's portraits from this summer!
Now, swimmers have the MOST crazy schedules I think. (If you have a child who swims you already know this and can skip ahead.) Most of them swim on both their school team and the Columbia league, and these overlap. That means that these kids have practice twice a day for weeks at a time, morning and night. Add to that going to school all day in between, and I really don't understand how they do it. There must be something in that pool..... Anyway, these crazy schedules mean that we schedule their portraits early in the year so they don't have to miss anything. We were lucky enough to schedule Connor's session before the pool renovations began and left it unusable for over a month! Yay!
The day of the session things are going swimmingly..... yep, I said it. We've shot at the studio, gone downtown, and then arrived at the pool and begun shooting. We are ten minutes from wrapping up when the FIRE ALARMS start going off and we have to evacuate the building. I'm not sure if you've ever hear the MU fire alarms, but they are not messing around. They're pretty much every 10-15 feet, inside AND outside, and they are so loud it hurts. So we get outside, and agree that we should wait a bit and see if they clear the building quickly so we can wrap up. Before all this happens we are essentially the only people in the pool area, but when we come back in there is an ENTIRE SUMMER CAMP in there with us, and they're just hanging on the bleachers watching us. Connor handled it like a champ, but man, I have never had an audience like that for a shoot! It was totally worth it though, look at the awesome images we created!